It just occurred to me that all we need to be happy can be distilled down to two things:
1. Purpose or meaning in your life.
2. A higher source or power to talk to when things aren’t going too great.
I realise that I just talked myself out of a job with point #2 😉
Let me help you to see how I feel this is true.
I send out my mailers on Mondays, on purpose, because many people hate Mondays. However, I receive most of my emails asking for a session or consultation on Sundays. Why do people hate Mondays?
Quite often, it is because they dislike their work or work environment. Other times, they overdid it on the weekend and maybe sleep-deprived. Other times, they might be disorganized and unprepared for the week. (P.S. Remember, I have a planner that you can download from my website. But wait until Feb 1, as a new edition will be ready 😀.)
Studies have shown that as long as a person has a purpose in this world, they have a reason to get up. But there is another layer to this. You also need a lot of faith and trust that your work will someday come to fruition.
This is why you have conversations with the power at be. The higher intelligence, Divine intelligence, God, Universe… name it as you wish. Without this, I don’t know how you can survive.
I often ask my clients if they believe in the Divine or higher power. Ninety percent say yes. I say ‘good’ because this gives me much more to work with to make them feel happier again. Why? Because it gives them hope. Hope allows me to help them regain faith that things will get better.
Trust then becomes a decision. You decide to trust this Divine Intelligence and don’t hesitate to move forward. You trust the voice in your head. You know you were placed on this earth for a specific purpose, and you decide not to give up.
Finally, you remind yourself that you were not meant to be happy all the time, and the pursuit of happiness is a bit of an enigma. You decide to be happy despite being thirsty in a desert. You decide to be happy because you have a reason to find water in the desert, and you trust and have faith that the Divine will give you clues along the way as to where to find water.