
Hi, my name is Luella

I am what some might call an unconventional therapist. I tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. I don’t listen to your excuses but instead, create a mindset that brings results. I specialize in working with individuals who want to better their relationships...

. . . and I do this by mixing business with pleasure!

My work is to help people pay attention to the thoughts that infiltrate their minds so that they feel and accomplish better things. Whether you decide to have better relationships, better health, or make better decisions in general, you must mind your thoughts. 

Best Marriage counselors in Winnipeg

Individuals, couples and businesses hire me to change or help manage behaviour.

I have been a deep thinker all my life. When I behave in a way that doesn’t align with my goals, I question why I am doing it. Note that I question my behaviour. I have no idea why others behave in a certain way because I am not them. I stay in my own lane. I am me. Why I feel, think and behave the way I do is directly related to my life experiences. I am unique in every way, and I accept this about myself. However, over the years, I realized we all share similar human traits. Thus, it is worthwhile to study human behaviour to determine what is predictable and what is unpredictable. And in the process, we become humble, benevolent, and enriched.

I have helped individuals for the last 25 years to recognize their thoughts and acknowledge the thoughts of others to improve their relationships. I have also helped employers understand the behaviour of their employees and customers to improve their relationships and, essentially, their bottom line.

Mission Statement

My mission is simple and explains why I do the work I do.

I want to minimize the emotional and physical suffering we endure as humans and,

when we do inevitably suffer, not do it alone.

Individual Services

Relationship Services


My New Podcast

I will be interviewing expert guests who are doing things right so we can all learn to mix business with pleasure. Topics will range from building better relationships, connection, dating, and how to spread more kindness and compassion towards others while doing so.

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