Make Peace with the Past

Make Peace with the Past

Are you one of those people that is stuck in the memory of a past event, or series of events that you can’t let go of? A dismissive, detached, or anxious parental upbringing perhaps? A ‘failed’ marriage? The loss of a close family member? A long-term relationship...
When to Say or Not Say How You Really Feel

When to Say or Not Say How You Really Feel

This question comes up A LOT in my office. Especially, when it comes to communicating with the ones you care for the most or spend the most time with. Personally, I have to admit I love hanging around people who say it like it is. This is the person who isn’t afraid...
I Just Want Stillness

I Just Want Stillness

But do you really? It is interesting how one’s craving for solitude can be another’s sense of loneliness. Peace, solitude, loneliness, quietness, stillness, calm. All these descriptors may have different meanings depending who you ask. Is it possible to have one...