

The fact that you even opened this page means you are considering doing life
differently. Sometimes, life leads us down some pretty crazy
paths that make us feel like we have been chewed up and spat out. 

If you are new to the self-improvement world, congratulations
because you are starting in the right place.
If you are a veteran of self-development, then congratulations
because you are starting in exactly the right place.

YES, you are exactly where you need to be right now.

There is no right or wrong time to take care of yourself.

And this is why I begin the program by teaching you a solid AF
foundation for self-love and self-care.
Without this sort of foundation, you literally don’t have a leg to stand on.

From here, we briefly examine the belief codes you have
allowed to control your world and then move on towards building
CONFIDENCE in decision-making


We know who we are as our own human, ourselves, our reason for being
and we unapologetically uphold our values and standards.

We learn how to lead ourselves through difficult conversations
o that we can be ourselves and still be loved and respected by the people
we deeply care for. 

From here, it evolves practicing calling in, shall we say,
a little help from above. 

Then, we must make our new ways of doing and thinking a ritual.
We can’t just learn it and let it disappear.

We must do it daily!

Note: With ALL Programs, I create them because I NEEDED them and CHANGED because
of them. So, I am so excited to be able to do the same for you.


Your investment | $1444.00 USD

Payment plan available. Contact me for more info.

Option for Freedom VIP

If you want to take this program to the next level, there is a VIP offer. By choosing this, you will get direct mentorship with me. You and I will do this together in close proximity. Homework will be made available (if you like).

You will also get access to all the masterclasses, PDFS, and recordings that I have created. This is incredible value. 

Your investment | $2444.00 USD

Payment plan available. Contact me for more info.

Luella has such accurate insights and advice that is relatable and applicable to actually put into practice. Really enjoy hearing her speak and address concerns.


What’s included

Module 1: A Path To Self-Acceptance

If you are anything like me, you might think I love myself, I value myself, but when you look deeply inside, you may see that this is not ACTUALLY the truth in every aspect of your life. We must LOVE OURSELVES despite what other people think about us. You, your soul, your essence is beautiful. You just need to show up authentically for everyone else to see it. 

Module 2: Distinguishing Fear From Intuition

There was a time when I decided not to do something, I thought it was my intuition telling me not to do it, but then I realized it was NOT my intuition. It is my fear, my limiting belief! In this module, we figure out how to distinguish the two! So important!

Module 3: Making Anxiety Our Friend

I don’t think it is possible to get rid of anxiety, but I do believe we can make friends with it in a way that will change our lives. The point of interjection is in your ability to become aware of your thought patterns and not let your trauma become your drama. 

Module 4: I Believe, and I chose PERIOD. Getting Solid AF with your Beliefs

I have noticed that many of my clients (and myself!) say they believe …but when you really get down to it. They actually DO NOT believe it. This could be everything and anything…but if you say you believe but don’t believe, your energy and alignment are off, which is what is stopping you from starting. Whether this is obtaining a promotion, a soulmate, pregnancy, etc., what is your CORE belief on this topic?

Module 5: I Decide: Feeling the Freedom After the Decision!

YES! More of this, please. This module is so powerful. There is something about making a decision and feeling empowered, not anxious! Not feeling so solid about your decisions is incredibly sexy and irresistible. It brags immense confidence, and who doesn’t want that?

Module 6: Energetics and Emotions: Why Energetics Rules Over Logic 

If you already know a lot about masculine and feminine energetics, then great, you know that balance is key. If you don’t, you are in for a ride. We will also review the body’s energy meridians; everyone should understand this. Understanding how your frequency impacts your life will change your life!

Module 7: Relationship Building

This module centres on relationship building. After working with countless clients who struggle with relationships, having the skill and courage to have difficult conversations is KEY to a stable relationship. Whether these relationships are intimate, career-related, family or in friendships, knowing how to lead yourself will change your life. 

Module 8: Your Support Network is Waiting for You, You Just Forgot to Ask

Leave your EGO behind and know you have all the support you could ask for, but you just forgot to ask! We will discover your unique way of asking Source for help and do it daily. My primary goal for my clients is to know that THEY ARE NOT ALONE when it comes to receiving guidance. There is always ‘someone, some spirit, some energy listening to you’. You just need to be willing to receive it. 

Module 9: Finding Purpose By Going Deeper Inward

We all have a purpose in our time on this earth. You are not simply a parent, a daughter, an employee, a wife, or an owner…you are so much more than this. You have a deeper calling, and once you accept this for what it is, your entire perspective will change. You will embody radical self-acceptance and be even more valued by those around you. This may or may not mean a career change for you!

Module 10: True Conviction: A Life Dedicated Towards Self

In this module, you will discover how badly you want the change. How dedicated are you to changing the trajectory of your life? Doing the work is what a lot of people claim they are doing, but what does that actually look like every single day? You will find out here. 

Module 11: Creating the Ritual

There is no ONE way of creating a connection with Source. You don’t need to meditate on a pillow if that is not your thing. We will discuss all the different ways of connecting to your guides and, most importantly, to yourself so that you will stick to it. This is so important to lasting change. A change that will be non-negotiable once you get into it!

Module 12: It’s a Wrap-Up

Are you ready to embody the new you? We will take this time to discuss embodiment and transformation. This program will lead you through the process that allowed me to become a new person. A person who doesn’t question how joyful they are DESPITE what their immediate external environment displays to them in the MOMENT. No matter what, you will be okay, and you are not alone. This program is all about not allowing your life to simply be mediocre and ‘just get by’ every single day. That is not a life. And that is why you are here. To achieve a life without regrets.