
I Decide

  • 6 Module Group Program
  • Q & A opportunities
  • Homework provided between modules

You will learn and notice:

Module One: Your insecurities and lack of connection to yourself, your truth, make indecision part of your existence.

Module Two: What it looks like to live in integrity and honesty with yourself. It is becoming an observer of life rather than someone needing to react. You start to see your truth and have less interest in what others say about you. 

Module Three: It is time to look inside your soul. This is all about claiming your self-identity back. Reclaiming who you really are – your truth, source frequency, sense of self. Then we go into willpower – being willing to see and do things differently and personal power. 

Module Four: How do we communicate to those we love so that they FEEL us, not simply HEAR us? They actually respect our requests and understand our needs. You honour yourself, him/her, and your partnership.

Module Five: Becoming the fullest expression of yourself and your unique skills and talents. It is time to own and claim it! Time to claim the fullest expression of yourself without shame.

Module Six: We move towards integration of who you really are and what claiming it looks like in real time.

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