Who am I, Really?

Who am I, Really?

Have you ever asked yourself that question? If you reached 40+ years, chances are you have. Who am I and why am I here? Maybe you have even read the classic Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. In this book, Dr. Frankl described his experiences inside the Nazi...
Rapid Transformational Therapy or Hypnotherapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy or Hypnotherapy

This is a topic I rarely bring up in my office. Let me explain to you what it is exactly and who is the best candidate for it. I think you will find it interesting, so please read on. I first came across the notion of becoming trained in hypnotherapy in 2017, when I...
The Many Gifts of Suffering

The Many Gifts of Suffering

;I can’t remember the last time I was sick, or to be honest, even experiencing a headache. So, maybe this is why the higher powers felt it might be appropriate for me to be reminded of how fortunate I am to be healthy – to give gratitude at the end of the day that you...