

Build-up of resentment is extremely common in any relationship. The problem is that it will never go away unless you bring your attention to it. You need to get rid of it before it creates a wall between you and your partner. If years go by with built-up resentment,...
Why You Cannot Push Past Perpetual Problems in Relationships

Why You Cannot Push Past Perpetual Problems in Relationships

Most couples in a long-term relationship will be able to list at least one perpetual problem to which they seem to never find a solution. There is usually an ‘underlying current’ streaming below the relationship that is the basis for the conflicts. For example, one...
What Body Shaming Does for You

What Body Shaming Does for You

I took a photo of the tree in this post this past weekend at our lakeside cottage. While looking at the tree’s curvature, I couldn’t help to notice it was different. But what really struck me was how a tree can grow as it did on the rock. How beautiful...
Feeling Joyless

Feeling Joyless

Many women enter my room describing how they hit a roadblock in their journey through life in which they feel joyless. Life has become vanilla. Day in and day out they go through their routines by switching from one hat to the other: mother, daughter, aunt, wife,...
Unstable Relationships

Unstable Relationships

When asked to describe your relationship, would you be inclined to say “When we are good, we are really, really, good. When we are bad, we are really, really bad.”? When I hear this from my clients, I know their relationship needs serious repair. I suspect you are...