What To Expect When You Sign Up For Therapy

What To Expect When You Sign Up For Therapy

 I visited the College’s website the other day and saw a description of what psychotherapy is and decided to include it below. I also decided to include this as part of the consent form that you check off when signing up for my services. You need to be clear on what...
Wake Up!

Wake Up!

We must realise that we are going through our lives interpreting our surroundings through a lens of both ‘what commonly happens to me’ and with a type of ‘trepidation’ of what could go wrong. Please step out of your perceived reality, which is all based on your past...
Falling In Love With Yourself Again

Falling In Love With Yourself Again

For those of you who need to fall in love with yourself a little more…rather than spend your days pleasing others, this is for you. I love a specific piece of writing from Frederick Buechner, where he describes how loving yourself is like loving your neighbour, but...
The Gift of Therapy

The Gift of Therapy

Have you ever thought of giving the gift of therapy? A way of opening the door for a loved one who may not otherwise have accessed this wonderful opportunity to look within? If you would like to do this for someone else, reach out to me and let me know who you feel...
How to Prepare for a Difficult Conversation

How to Prepare for a Difficult Conversation

Business partners conduct good business by removing the emotion and bringing in more logic. One could even argue it is not logic, but PSYCHOlogic. Such as an Olympic athlete would do to achieve success, you focus on your goal. In relationships, your goal is to reach a...
Why You Need to Bring More ‘Work’ Home From the Office

Why You Need to Bring More ‘Work’ Home From the Office

Most committed couples (common-law, married) treat their current partners with less respect than their business colleagues. That is just the plain truth. Often, when couples want to part ways but have no temporary place to go (family member, friend’s couch), I...