The values which hold the most meaning in your relationship
Luella Jonk

Show Notes
Culturally we are taught from a young age to find a partner who can take care of you, well. This might refer to someone with a stable career, a good parent, someone who can perhaps cook, mend a sock, fix a faucet, goes to church, and doesn’t physically harm you.
But what if it didn’t have to do with any of those OBVIOUS qualities or characteristics? What if it was instead all the little things that make the difference whether your relationship has sustenance? What if were all the small things that are the glue that keeps the relationship held in place?
What if? What if it was the fact that you both love to talk about advocating for a specific cause or the way they make you crack up with their stupid off-the-wall humour? What if it was the classy way she dresses or how he looks in a T-shirt and jeans, or how she plays with the children and how he plays hockey? What if?
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