Scared to be Alone but Not Wanting to Leave the Home

Scared to be Alone but Not Wanting to Leave the Home

The baby boomer generation (born between the years of 1946 and 1964) has caused a considerable rise in 55+ and assisted living residences to accommodate the elderly moving out of their primary homes. But how about the baby boomers who don’t want to leave their primary...
How to Help Your Kids Emotionally, Mentally, and Spiritually

How to Help Your Kids Emotionally, Mentally, and Spiritually

Want to ensure your kids will grow up to be happy, successful adults? Do you also want to ensure they become confident individuals? Do you remind them that kindness to themselves is just as important to those they meet? Perhaps you dream of them being the athlete you...
Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance

I don’t know about you…but I have always felt to be a failure at this. It has caused me to be in a cycle of shame. It also made me question my values. In one sense, my values are founded in everything related to family, such as emotional connection and nurturing....
Dealing with Shame in Therapy

Dealing with Shame in Therapy

Many clients come to me feeling down. They are in a rut of sorts. Some feel angry because they are in a funk and they do not know how to deal with it. They often feel the world and all its ugliness (failure with online dating, dealing with an unhappy marriage,...
Is Menopause the Only Reason My Wife Seems Absent?

Is Menopause the Only Reason My Wife Seems Absent?

The short answer is no. Perhaps she is using menopause as the reason why she seems distant from you and has no interest in cuddling or having sex. Menopause is a huge health transition for women to go through; physically, mentally and emotionally. Estrogen plays a...