Why You Need to Bring More ‘Work’ Home From the Office

Why You Need to Bring More ‘Work’ Home From the Office

Most committed couples (common-law, married) treat their current partners with less respect than their business colleagues. That is just the plain truth. Often, when couples want to part ways but have no temporary place to go (family member, friend’s couch), I...
Who I Am and My View of Relationships

Who I Am and My View of Relationships

I have always loved to write; it is a wonderful means of processing feelings. I started writing my book about a month ago. I am trying to write for it daily, but it is not possible all the time. I feel blessed on those days, however, as it is a project of love. I...
Who am I, Really?

Who am I, Really?

Have you ever asked yourself that question? If you reached 40+ years, chances are you have. Who am I and why am I here? Maybe you have even read the classic Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. In this book, Dr. Frankl described his experiences inside the Nazi...
Couples Were Sent to Me

Couples Were Sent to Me

When I started my studies as a psychotherapist many moons ago, I did not feel drawn to work with couples for three reasons: Couples therapy has a bad reputation for not working. Who wants to work with conflict? My own relationship was far from perfect, so who am I to...
Why I Became Obsessed with the Gottmans

Why I Became Obsessed with the Gottmans

The Gottman Method of Couple Counselling is the type of counselling I was trained in and, frankly, fell in love with. The photo above was from a workshop I attended in Seattle on the topic of Couples and Addiction Recovery many moons ago. I attended numerous...