Developing Intuitive Eating as an Act of
Shelise Irby, R.D.N.

Show Notes
Today we cover the importance of awareness surrounding food sensitivities, choices best for you, making food preparation fun, and having a supportive partner beside you to make this all possible.
Shelise Irby graduated from U.C. Davis as a Registered Dietitian and provides functional nutrition consulting at Body Love Cafe. Her in-depth knowledge of whole food healing combined with her medically focused education provides her with a unique perspective on preventative health. She is passionate about health for the whole family and loves working with couples, moms, children, and teens. From a young age, Shelise suffered from many unidentified food and environmental allergies. She was eventually able to get the help she needed through supplements, herbs, dietary changes, and homeopathy. Experiencing firsthand the life-changing benefits of balancing her nutrition and learning what foods to avoid for maintaining her health, Shelise decided that method was something she wanted to help others learn as well. She has worked in private practice doing functional nutrition consulting, supporting dietary changes and detox in her patients, for more than 10 years. As you would expect from a dietitian, Shelise loves to cook and spends much of her time in the kitchen creating healthy meals and baking with gluten-free ingredients.
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