Is Your Partner Willing to Do The Work?

Is Your Partner Willing to Do The Work?

Recently a man reached out to me primarily to better his relationship with his son. He separated from his spouse a couple of years ago when his son was 13. He and his ex have a good ‘texting’ relationship and are co-parenting quite well. When I asked him...

Free to be Me: A Path to Self-Acceptance

Free to Be Me – A Path to Self-Acceptance    Follow the path to self-acceptance with PhD Luella Jonk.  Do you know that the feeling of unworthiness is the number one reason for people’s stress, anxiety, and turmoils? After practising psychotherapy for...
Before Tying The Knot – Full Disclosure

Before Tying The Knot – Full Disclosure

Couple Counseling Course Before Tying the Knot! Full disclosure… I sat down to write content for this couple counseling course and felt overwhelmed! Why? Because how can I even describe the importance of this decision? It could be THE MOST important decision of your...

I Decide

If you are someone who struggles to make a decision, the first thing you need to know is that you are not alone. In fact, you are normal. So, if you are normal, then why is this a bad thing, that is, not being able to make a decision? To be indecisive is a display of...


Congratulations! The fact that you even opened this page means you are considering doing lifedifferently. Sometimes, life leads us down some pretty crazypaths that make us feel like we have been chewed up and spat out.  If you are new to the self-improvement world,...