I much prefer using the term Emotional Health rather than mental health. It made me curious how the term mental health came about. So, I dived into the research a bit deeper to find out how and why it brings such a bad stigma about it. How the term mental health...
Micro Problem linked to their dream goal: Hating your body or even parts of your body is a recipe for a joyless life for both you and your lifetime partner. Therefore men have the running joke “Never tell your wife you look fat in that dress” or “Never tell her why...
Most couples within a long-term relationship will be able to list at least one perpetual problem to which they seem to never find a solution. There is usually an ‘underlying current’ streaming below the relationship that is the basis for the conflicts. For example,...
Many clients come to me feeling down. They are in a rut of sorts. Some feel angry because they are in a funk and they do not know how to deal with it. They often feel the world and all its ugliness (failure with online dating, dealing with an unhappy marriage,...
The short answer is no. Perhaps she is using menopause as the reason why she seems distant from you and has no interest in cuddling or having sex. Menopause is a huge health transition for women to go through; physically, mentally and emotionally. Estrogen plays a...