
Episode 127 | Dennis Wong

EPISODE 127 When the Struggle with Stress, Brain Fog, and Overwhelm Becomes Your New Reality   with Dennis Wong Download episode Show Notes Today, I had an enlightening conversation with Dennis Wong, a functional and integrative registered pharmacist, about the...
Scared to be Alone but Not Wanting to Leave the Home

Scared to be Alone but Not Wanting to Leave the Home

The baby boomer generation (born between the years of 1946 and 1964) has caused a considerable rise in 55+ and assisted living residences to accommodate the elderly moving out of their primary homes. But how about the baby boomers who don’t want to leave their primary...
What To Expect When You Sign Up For Therapy

What To Expect When You Sign Up For Therapy

 I visited the College’s website the other day and saw a description of what psychotherapy is and decided to include it below. I also decided to include this as part of the consent form that you check off when signing up for my services. You need to be clear on what...
What to Keep in Mind when Searching for a Therapist?

What to Keep in Mind when Searching for a Therapist?

I often get asked the question, if I am searching for a therapist, what is the most important thing to keep in mind? Here is my advice. There is no ‘one most important thing.’ I could tell you that connection is the most important thing, but being deeply connected may...
Trauma is in Your Tissues

Trauma is in Your Tissues

This post is for those who feel they need to go to therapy forever because of the trauma they have experienced. The good news is that you no longer need your therapist on redial. The bad news is that your trauma lives within your tissues. I had a client call this week...