People Pleasers

People Pleasers

Most women who come to see me for therapy and coaching have some level of people-pleasing tendency in them. Not a surprise for most of you to hear this, right? Overdoing it overdoes it. In other words, when you give too much, you become depleted. When you become...
Reflecting Back on Your Relationship

Reflecting Back on Your Relationship

You will note stages, but I am not talking about 1. we got married, 2. bought a house, 3. had kids…that is all sequential and doesn’t require memory, recall, or feelings. I mean something much more meaningful:1. The first time you felt hurt deeply by your...
I Start to Spiral

I Start to Spiral

I hear the following often: ‘ and then I start to spiral’. In summary, women are telling me that they find themselves in a helpless and uncontrollable position. They tell me their mind takes over and thus so do their behaviours. The behaviours that follow...
What Type of Self-Critic Are You?

What Type of Self-Critic Are You?

As a therapist I see a lot of people who are self-critical. Throughout the years I’ve come to identify two types of self critics. There is no literature that I could find describing the two types, so I simply dubbed these types as overt self-critics and covert...