Love Is The Drug That I Am Thinking Of

Love Is The Drug That I Am Thinking Of

Most of you reading this have once felt infatuated with a person. Similarly, you will never forget the first time you set eyes on a current or ex-partner. Sparks ignited, and rocket ships blasted. Your eyes met. Everything else in the room stopped. Your heart skipped...
We All Pretend to Be Someone We Are Not

We All Pretend to Be Someone We Are Not

We all live two lives. We have our work life and our personal lives. You may be the one who likes to live on the edge and blend both by having a midday rendezvous with their receptionist, a colleague, or the nanny. In which case you are mixing business with pleasure....


 Just as you are receiving this message in your inbox this morning, I too have signed up for specific mailers. One of these is a daily mailer from the Frederick Buechner Institute. I love the way that Fred writes. It is difficult for me to describe. His writings are...
A Call To Rebrand Mental Health

A Call To Rebrand Mental Health

I much prefer using the term Emotional Health rather than mental health. It made me curious how the term mental health came about. So, I dived into the research a bit deeper to find out how and why it brings such a bad stigma about it. How the term mental health...
Holding ourselves accountable to simplify

Holding ourselves accountable to simplify

It’s common for clients to come into my office and tell me how they just want peace and simplicity in their lives. They are tired of the daily grind. When clients share how they want to simplify, I challenge them and ask “What steps have been taken towards...