
Episode 32 – Lisa Brancatisano

In this episode, I sit down with Lisa Brancatisano as she shares her transformative journey from a high-stress career to embracing creativity as a form of therapy.

From Stuck to Thriving: A Journey of Transformation

From Stuck to Thriving: A Journey of Transformation

For today’s entry, I decided to create a story for you. Emily is fictional, but acts as a good representation of the type of clients that find themselves in my office. Enjoy the story. For years, Emily felt trapped. On the surface, she seemed fine—steady job,...
A Call To Rebrand Mental Health

A Call To Rebrand Mental Health

I much prefer using the term Emotional Health rather than mental health. It made me curious how the term mental health came about. So, I dived into the research a bit deeper to find out how and why it brings such a bad stigma about it. How the term mental health...
Scared to be Alone but Not Wanting to Leave the Home

Scared to be Alone but Not Wanting to Leave the Home

The baby boomer generation (born between the years of 1946 and 1964) has caused a considerable rise in 55+ and assisted living residences to accommodate the elderly moving out of their primary homes. But how about the baby boomers who don’t want to leave their primary...