Before Tying The Knot – Full Disclosure

Before Tying The Knot – Full Disclosure

Couple Counseling Course Before Tying the Knot! Full disclosure… I sat down to write content for this couple counseling course and felt overwhelmed! Why? Because how can I even describe the importance of this decision? It could be THE MOST important decision of your...
Fake relationships with others (including yourself)

Fake relationships with others (including yourself)

Many of us feel fake when it comes to our relationships. Relationship with ourselves and our relationship with partners. On the outside, everything looks great…but on the inside, it is often not the same. I was extremely reluctant to begin posting on social...
People Pleasers

People Pleasers

Most women who come to see me for therapy and coaching have some level of people-pleasing tendency in them. Not a surprise for most of you to hear this, right? Overdoing it overdoes it. In other words, when you give too much, you become depleted. When you become...
Reflecting Back on Your Relationship

Reflecting Back on Your Relationship

You will note stages, but I am not talking about 1. we got married, 2. bought a house, 3. had kids…that is all sequential and doesn’t require memory, recall, or feelings. I mean something much more meaningful:1. The first time you felt hurt deeply by your...